A glimpse of Informatics and my experience during the week

Hello, back again with me, Calvin. On this page I will tell my memorable experience during the week while explaining about informatics/computers. (for school assignment)

My Experience

These are my memorable experiences/activities during the week
  1. church
  2. eating out
  3. going for a walk
  4. playing timezone
  5. winning a lot at timezone
  6. being able to create
  7. making songs
Actually my complete activities were in July-August.

A Glimpse of Informatics

Specifically, I will explain about Informatics in the computer section.

What is Informatics?

Informatics is the study of the use of computers to organize and analyze large amounts of data, both data and information on computing-based machines. Informatics also includes the study, design, and creation of basic computing systems that can process and present information effectively and efficiently.
(Source: https://informatika.janabadra.ac.id/apa-itu-informatika-definisi-dan-penjelasan-lengkap/)


Computers are everyday devices that have changed our lives since 1984. However, like the organs that help our bodies work, what are the organs that help our computers work with good? organs are divided into two types. namely Software and Hardware.


Software that works on a computer system
  • Operating Systems (OS)
  • Software / Application


Hardware that works to function a computer like body organs that work to function the body us.
  • CPU
  • RAM
  • GPU
  • Processor
  • Motherboard
  • Hard drive (can be HDD or SSD)


Like our limbs, there are computers too, you know. This is also divided into two, namely Input
and Output. External Storage USB thumb drive SD Card External Optical Drive Hard Drive
  • Floppy Diskette
  • TF Card
  • CF Card
  • Memory Stick
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Digital/MIDI Keyboard
  • Microphone
  • Output

    • Monitor
    • Speaker
    • Headphone
    • Printer
    • Projector

    I think that's all, thank you...


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