About Pro 70

Pro 70 is a station that entertain you. Run by Calvin B. Tanuri since 2017.

How Pro 70 was a name

The name came out to an idea when Calvin makes a video to his dad about internet issues on YouTube. Then he plays the video to see it. The video is like a vlog. Then he heard this line "What's up Pro 70!", then he came out an idea. He make a logo of Pro 70. It's like a face with a right side mouth like :\ . he draw it in the Notes app for iPad. Then he screenshot it and walah! The logo is done.

Original logo of Pro 70 being screenshotted in the Notes App in 2017.
1 year later, he came out another idea. He could add another word, Crazy. So it became Pro 70 Crazy. If you say it, it perfectly fits. He uploads videos on YouTube with the welcome message, "Hello guys Welcome in Pro 70". However the channel name is still Calvin B. Tanuri. It's because he don't know how to change it. Then 1 year later, he came up with an idea, again. What if a gaming section of Pro 70 will be Arcade 70. So this also came. He made a slogan called "The Arcade in the 70s". Pretty cool. And that's How Pro 70 was developed.


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