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My Ups & Downs of Year 9 Retreat Experience

 Retreat is not just any ordinary school camp. But there is a character development in it. Today I will be telling the story about my experience during my Retreat session. Day 1: Preparation On August 26th 2024, I went to the school to get ready for the trip to the retreat house. When I met my old friends in 8th grade It was great and I think we're back again. We are assigned to the groups according the color I get in my nametag, and I got most of my old friends in the same group. So far day 1 of retreat is not really interesting, so lets skip to Night 1 of the retreat!  Night 1: Where all things start to get interesting At that night after dinner, we all stand in line where we have to get the password to get in the auditorium. It's like waiting in line early for the new limited PS5 at the GameStop. but we got moved back to the dining room for a little talk by the lead of the event cuz we're late for entering the auditorium. at that time I call it the chair incident. Why? y

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